TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

November 6, 2020

Scotland Update –

Currently residing in the woods in a cabin with no WiFi. Silas is feeling under the weather. Not sure what it is yet so we are laying low. Woke to two flat tires this morning and Lee has been a hero and managed to get them replaced—in the middle of nowhere! We have to drive down the road to get a WiFi signal that I’m using to broadcast to the world. But I only get it 5 minutes at a time. Send some mojo our way…we are holding you all in thoughts and love as the country finds its future […]
November 1, 2020

The Vagina Song –

Featured today on my singing series Sunday is for Sinners – raw and unfiltered, much like me. No backing track. No harmonies. But a whole lot of laughter. If you’ve been on one of my Muse Juice Tours or been at one of the parties at Wonderland, you’ve likely heard this song. I offer it to you now as proof that you don’t need to be pretty or perfect or in key or on time to live your best FUN LIFE. Everything shot on location on the Isle of Skye and Orkney. Socially distanced. When the fun doesn’t come and […]
October 30, 2020

“To the Men Who Burned Witches”

There is witchcraft in our blood,in our bones we carry the magic that you could not burn away.You see, fire does not eat fire. Your mother would have taught you that if the world hadn’t convinced her that despite her body being able to bring life into this world,she is not a magical thing. Maybe the witches you burned were the daughters of something more holy than you could ever handle. So you set them alight for being different, forgetting that even the son of your God was once condemned for being too pure, too beautiful, too different for this […]
October 29, 2020

On the Isles of Lewis and Harris –

FINDING WONDERLAND – a Mini Muse Juice tour by yours truly. Taking you along cuz let’s face it: you miss traveling, and I miss guiding. Come frolic with me on Lewis and Harris. I’ll be taking you guys here for a picnic next time we can all get together physically. It’s a secret spot hidden by green pastures and rushing rivers. Not in any of the guide books…a perfect little spot for a selkie story hour.