
the next time
you refuse to sing
because you’ll never
fill a stadium
or decline the joy of dance
for fear of looking
or you resist risking
the new adventure
because you’re
not entirely ready or
you dim your shine
because you’re not
completely healed and whole
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The Temple of Belonging
is a tattered doctrine
pedaling the snake oil
of self improvement
it sustains its dying creed
from your contortions
of worthiness
bending for approval
twisting for appreciation
bowing and scraping
in hopes of sanction
through the blood-art
of performance
prettiness and productivity
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advice from a caterpillar
bask in starlight and
bathe in stories.
make friends with dandelions.
listen to the trees.
walk out of your house barefoot
and let the grass
whisper poems to your toes.
sigh. feast on cloud shapes. gulp the sunset.
let the wind play with your hair like a lover.
read full poem
unmasking a myth
when they want to
control you
they do not come
with shackles
made of iron
they come instead
with cages made
of shame and story
like the one
about the woman
who earned crisis
for her curiosity
so tempted by a life
of wisdom and independence
she caused the downfall
of all civilization
women are dangerous,
says the shame story of Eve
they cannot
be trusted and
should not
trust themselves
give a woman
free choice and
she’ll eat the fruit
tempt the man
enrage the god
she’ll destroy us all
with her mad desire
to know
to discover
to understand
her self
her world
her maker
give a woman any freedom
and she’ll follow
her curiosity
shape her
own story
seek truth beyond
the dictates
of order and obedience
she will wreck
your carefully controlled mandates
your reign of tightness
she will unmake
your holy wars
of right and wrong
and infuse the realm with
choice and instinct
empathy outranking rules
creativity eclipsing war
sovereignty subsuming
blind servitude
when you want to know
like Eve
when you have a taste
for truth
and a hunger for wisdom
you have to question
the stories
test the facts
rattle the cage
who profits from you
believing a lie?
who benefits because you
believe you are both
cause and curse?
they have tried
to burn you
with their shame
strip you
violate you
shrink you
silence you
but they could not break
your phoenix spirit
its fierce heat
will melt old regimes
and enflame a generation
who will not settle
for smallness
for submission
for shame
sink your self into
the feathered
red sleeve
of your ancestors
and rise, woman
rise again
for you are
Persephone’s Daughter
Lilith’s lover
Eve’s heir
find the truth
eat the fruit
unmask the myth
let it burn
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we came to play
we came to play
no more hiding
in modesty
in comparison
in the cramped
shapes meant
to keep us
small and scared
but presumably safe
we came to play
no more competing
for meaning
bending and contorting
to earn our right
to be loved
performing and
pleasing to
gain your assigned
we came to play
no more dressing up
to prove our worth
or dressing down
to maintain it
the days of
speaking softly
over powder puffs
and pink lipstick
are over
we came to play
to howl
to strut our
imperfect stuff
we came to dance
the dance of
wild inclusion
inviting all the jagged
parts of ourself
onto soul’s dance floor
no longer tolerated
but celebrated
confetti, baby,
all the way
we came to play
to shake our hips
and shake
things up
loosening the dictates
of right and wrong
ugly and pretty
should and shouldn’t
til our toes
turn into butterflies
and our feet take wing to sky
we came to play
fierce hearts
feisty throats
full of freedom’s song
our love is a
caped crusader
chock full of
super power
girl gang power
blasting apart
the kryptonite of
shame and
from self
from other
we came to play
and we invite you, too,
tilt, twirl, and glide
whirl your colors
swirl your truth
the wide world is a
playground and your
heart is a swing set
let go of what
doesn’t lift you higher
let go
let go
let go
‘cuz we came to play
winged soul repair
one fine day
i came across
a caterpillar sunning
sipping tea
he turned to me
and flashed a grin of cunning
are you lost~
in need of help?
why have you come running?
i'm in search
i said to him
of wings that might grow stunning
in that case
you have to learn
the secret life of weaving
and let go
of habits that
create your disbelieving
when you're done
with all you know
heart filled with losses grieving
only then
are you ripe for
winged-soul retrieving
string a pin
with silken hope
and wishes bright with gleaming
thread your fears
of sad goodbyes
and all your broken dreaming
loop the sun
around your thread
with candles gently beaming
add to that
a babbling brook
with whispers in the streaming
and lovers sighs
weave soft into your looming
add full moons
burlesque balloons
and secret gardens blooming
stitch until
your sight grows dim
allow the all-consuming
a new view
with wisdom's hue
your chrysalis is grooming
on each bruise
the dark will place
a rainbow splendored kiss
and infuse
your highest flight
with dreamtime's deep abyss
what comes next
i must confess
is mysterium and bliss
new life springs
this time, with wings
it's your metamorphosis
the next time
the next time
you refuse to sing
because you’ll never
fill a stadium
or decline the joy of dance
for fear of looking
or you resist risking
the new adventure
because you’re
not entirely ready or
you dim your shine
because you’re not
completely healed and whole
the next time
you hold yourself suspect
because you’re not
entirely qualified
just remember
a bird doesn’t sing
because it’s talented
a bird sings because
it has a song
the moon doesn’t only shine
when it’s whole
it can show up with
a single sliver of itself
and still light an entire
night sky
show up. sing. shine.
the world needs you
as you are.
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The Temple of Belonging
The Church of Fitting In
is a tattered doctrine
pedaling the snake oil
of self improvement
it sustains its dying creed
from your contortions
of worthiness
bending for approval
twisting for appreciation
bowing and scraping
in hopes of sanction
through the blood-art
of performance
prettiness and productivity
its prophets of profit
believe you are less than
and grow rich from
the spoils of your
complicit agreement
when you believe
their creed
you’ll purchase the diet
conceal the flaws
tweeze the unwanted
shave the unsatisfying
girdle your nature
deny your deep joy
sacrifice your pleasure
on the altar of pleasing others
and suffer the guilt
of every stolen freedom
in the unholy name of
fitting in
you’ll reject all that
doesn’t grant you
access to their
idea of perfection
and purchase
all that does
what they don’t profit from?
your belonging
there are no riches
in belonging, except
for the woman who is
willing to embody it
The Temple of Belonging
is golden
its hallowed ground
welcomes you as
both priestess
and acolyte
and adorns your shoulders
with the robes
of benefactress
and beneficiary
enter the covenant
of your sovereignty
become your own
drink from the chalice
of self worth
take communion with the
internal divine
swallow it down like
the seasons and seeds
of Persephone’s fruit
give voice to
the old songs
the ones that wolf
and moon and forest
still sing
dance out of Eden
feet drumming the
wayback wonder
chant the holy stories
the truth older than myth
that women
are the holy grail
conceiving, conjuring,
and delivering
worship at the
altar of your
soul’s deep content
like the moon-drunk
curve of lily
the garnet skin
of pomegranate
the ink spill arc
of raven’s wing
glorious in its unfolding
precisely as it is
wild, whole, free
perfect in relation
only to itself
kiss your curves
like a prayer
anoint your fingers
with honey
from your own jar
spread wings and legs
and heart in
flowered benediction
Become a disciple
of inner devotion
resurrect the silver salvation
of self respect
Believe in your self
and your wild holy heart
like its a sovereign religion
It is.
And the world
needs more
once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you were a cartwheel
hair flying
in full tumble
throwing yourself
with mad delight
into the arms of
wind and spirit
once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you were a starkeeper
your wishes alone
kept the stars aloft
in a velvet sky
of invitation and belonging
you knew the sylvan
truth of fireflies
and trailed their
golden lantern path
over silvered meadow
into to the lullaby
of fairyland
the moon was a
grandmother from a tale
you still remembered
watching over your every move
Look! you said. Look!
everywhere we go
the moon follows us
all the way home
once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
acorns were goblin hats
trees were secret keepers
clouds were sky puppets
butterflies and honey bees
were emissaries of otherwhere
guarding the old stories
adults had already forgotten
to remember
once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you danced through
the world like it was
your back yard
elbows made of frolic
knees made of wonder
fingers and toes a whirl
of color and possibility
your mind was full of
and your heart was full
of Oz
your body was still
a playground
and a confidant
and a friend
remember her?
she got lost somewhere
between the shame
and the sin
cartwheel smile
moonbeam soul
fairy tale girl
in love with
her own life
in love with you
bawdy and soul
she’s still in you
daring, brazen
wild with
that summer swag
girl. we gotta talk.
summer is coming
and it’s time to lose
some weight.
my advice? start with
shedding the pounds
of other people’s
then slim down those
weighty thoughts
of right and wrong
good and bad
too much and not enough.
while you’re at it
how ‘bout you
trim the bulk of
what you thought
you had to become
in order to be lovable
and worthy ?
loose those unshed tears
you are drowning
in their weight.
purge the unforgiveness
it is poisonous ballast
and you’re too cute
for that shit.
starve the shame
the time has come
its hot heavy presence
is crushing your wings
and scorching your
toss off anything
that no longer fits:
jeans, bras, shapeware,
tattered beliefs
and worn out thoughts
about your
you wanna lighten up?
then light the fuck up
your smile, your dreams
your joy, your self-permission
and unapologetic pleasure.
you want that
summer swag?
you wanna be
fit for life?
start loving who you are
and be done with
all the rest.

The Hive
Hush now.The wounds run deep,
but the bees are full
of knowing.
They know the hive
of your heart,
each crooked
curled chamber
each hopeful
hidden curve,
each darkened
holding cell.
They have come
with wings
and song
and pollen.
They have come
to harvest
each mistake
each broken vessel,
to touch the jagged edges
of betrayal and
lost chances,
to collect your failures
one by one,
making honey
from the bitter
making music
in the void
making wings
where there were wounds.
Hush now.
Sleep well.
The night is alive
with forgiveness
and your heart is a hive
made for honey
made for love.
Poem by Angi Sullins · Art by Silas Toball
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advice from a caterpillar
howl up the moon.bask in starlight and
bathe in stories.
make friends with dandelions.
listen to the trees.
walk out of your house barefoot
and let the grass
whisper poems to your toes.
sigh. feast on cloud shapes. gulp the sunset.
let the wind play with your hair like a lover.
sing the wild geese into
night’s grand unfurling.
ask a caterpillar for a dance.
cloak yourself in twilight
soft as a moth kiss.
sway to the music
in your veins that remembers
who you were before
the world told you who you should be.
fill your ruby-wing heart
with that truth
and revel up the dawn.
Poem by Angi Sullins · Art by Silas Toball
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