TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

February 25, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 0

  WHO SHOWS UP? As I explore the meaning of tribe, and what we each seek to gain from the experience of tribal connection, something occurs to me. While we all ache to be in the presence (physically) of a group we find both stimulating and meaningful, I am sensing the bigger issue here is the desire to be fully seen and embraced (or re-membered, as I like to call it.) Physical gatherings, when they occur with intention and purpose, provide a direct experience of kindling, because people show up. THEY SHOW UP. To the event, to the gathering, to […]
February 24, 2015

The Tribe Experiment – a Beginning

  Have You Found Your Tribe?   I’m curious how YOU define a tribe. What’s yours look like in reality or how do you envision it if you don’t have one? Have you been in a soul-pack, a kindred tribe who feels like spirit family? Are you surrounded by folks whom you feel have your back physically, emotionally, spiritually? Do your experiences with tribal gatherings make you feel despondent or hopeful? I encourage you to consider these questions today and take a few moments to respond. I have an idea knocking around in my soul, and need to know how […]
February 15, 2015

I Can Hear God Laughing

Deep doo doo. That’s what I’m in. Adopting another beloved pet was adamantly not part of my plan. After Izzy’s death, following my dream of travel was my only plan. But you know what they say about plans. God laughs when we make them. When Izzy was diagnosed with a fatal heart condition, I wrote an essay called “Loving Wide Open at the End of an Era (read it here: It describes my decision to live without pets once Izzy passed, as a commitment to following my mad passionate dream of world travel. I always wanted to backpack across […]