TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

March 26, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 28

    So as the official experiment comes to a close tomorrow, I’ve been challenged to consider it’s purpose, it’s meaning, it’s future. Tomorrow we’ll discuss what it means for you and what your desires are, regarding THE TRIBE. But today? In considering this whole tribe thing, someone asked me, if I was to start a temple and call my tribe into a sacred tangible gathering space, what would the tenets of that church be? In other words, what do I believe? So here’s something I’m working on. It’s not finished, but I wanted you to see it before Day […]
March 25, 2015


          Dear Tribe, Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t give up on your belonging. Show up. Taste the apples. Share the juice.
March 24, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 27

  The Heart’s Language Dear Love Pie Tribe, You’re going to hear me talk about this a lot, ‘cuz it’s a truth that’s been recently alive in my life in a huge way: The heart’s language. So a friend of mine in the tribe recently had a situation with a love interest. They were friends, then they were more, then not. The pull away left my friend feeling very vulnerable, wanting more, but feeling rejected. Still wanting to be friends and be supportive, but in total truth, wanting the “more” very much, my friend began to despair, asking internally, “What’s […]
March 24, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 26

        Body Consciousness   Yo Love Pies, This moment happened for me in 2011 when I went to California to complete a three week full body cleanse. Sometime during the teachings and workshops, which were intense, informative and utterly light-bulbish, I got in touch with my body’s consciousness. I had heard it before, read it before, but somehow the truth dropped into me in a new way as I realized each cell, each organ, each muscle, has its own consciousness. And as this truth slowly sank down into me, I realized I owed my body an apology. […]