There is No Shame….
September 26, 2020
The Duirwaigh in the Cotswolds of England
September 28, 2020What to do with all the overwhelm and agony? Fill it with song, of course. After singing for the FIRST TIME EVER online last week to honor the passing of RBG, I’ve decided that the only way to continue the resistance is to sing. No matter what. I’ve been doing it every day since she passed and it’s kept my nostrils above water. If you’re struggling, I urge you to tune in, turn UP and sing along.
I’m considering a new show: SUNDAY IS FOR SINNERS…a little song, a little sermon and a whole lotta shenanigans each Sunday. If you like what you see, chime in below and let me know. If we get a thumbs up, it’s game ON!
(This is a video for grown ups, and four letter words are welcome in this space. If you have little ones in the room, you might want to consider headphones.)