TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

March 20, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 23

  Bring Me Your Funny I love to laugh. Is it obvious? I am a huge fan of the ridiculous, the ironic, the silly, the raunchy, the laugh-out-loudness of it all. So today Im asking you to bring us your funny. Right here, in the middle of the circle, place a bit of funny. Videos, stories, memes, links, jokes. Anything goes. It’s Friday, and I think we need to set the tribe up for the first day of spring by putting a funny SPRING in our step, a laugh bounce. Naughty! Reactions are just as funny as Performance: […]
March 19, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 22

        A Valentine of Wild Inclusion   Dear Love Pies, Below is an excerpt from my audio book “Flaming Muse: Matchstick Tales to Ignite the Soul.” I try to post it every Valentines Day because it’s a love letter to soul: your soul, my soul, the artist soul, the tribe soul. Im posting it now because we’re experiencing a bit of Valentine energy here within the tribe, and I want you to consider Wild Inclusion. Have a read and then I’ll tell you more at the bottom of the post. *********************** Late last night, as the minute […]
March 17, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 20

        Thou Shalt Not Play Small   Dear Love Pies, So, just this morning, a friend of mine sent me a link to a video with this quote in it. I piped up and said “That’s Marianne Williamson. It hangs in my house.” She’s going through a dark time, some of her creative pack has turned on her in jealousy, and is trying desperately to take her down mean-girl-style through gossip, criticism, falsehood. You don’t have to be the subject of a smear campaign in order to shrink. LOTS of things make us want to hide, but […]
March 16, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 19

      Your Box of Darkness   Dear Love Pies, I had a very difficult conversation last night with a deeply connected soul friend. The conversation involved a dark time in our lives, when hearts were broken and spirits crushed. We hung up the phone at 4:44 a.m. and I couldn’t help but think on Mary Oliver’s quote. “”Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” There’s no way to avoid the dark. The dark is a part of life. But if we can […]