TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

March 4, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 8

Belonging I’m looking to define that magical elixir that keeps tribes together: Belonging. As we explore what it means to be a tribe, and what our needs are collectively, as a unit, I’m curious how you would describe belonging? And particularly… What is the difference between belonging and fitting in? Name a time you have experienced belonging. Was it with a place? A person? A pack? How did it make you feel? My deepest belongings (for a very long time) were mysterious, even to me. I rarely shared them with anyone, because I felt like a freak. It wasn’t with […]
March 3, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 7

If I Were… I’m working on a post that’s on the deep side, and it’s not quite finished, so for today I’m going to keep on the light side, with some more FUN. (Speaking of FUN, wasn’t yesterday’s game just a blast? I had such a good time I’m thinking of playing variations of that game once a week!) So, in an effort to know yourself and your tribe mates a little better, we’re going to play another game. I play a version of this at the parties and workshops I host, and it gives everyone a chance to know […]
March 3, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 6

  Symbol Speak   We’re going to do something FUN today. I’m giving each of you a little gift. I play this game with myself at home, and I just love the results. The Universe, as I’ve come to know it, speaks in signs and symbols, in energies and sound. There is Presence all around us, and it is constantly communicating with us, if we’ll only show up and engage in the conversation. Today, the conversation-game goes like this: when you comment on this post, (you can use any term you like “Yes, Please!” or “Me! Me! or “Gimme mine!” […]
March 2, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 5

What We Ache For I’ll admit it here: I’m allergic to small talk, and chatting makes me break out into a case of the I-Don’t-Cares. This makes me a terrible party goer, unless I’m the host. I love the depths, sharing one-on-one or with a small group, delving into what we find most compelling about life, art, soul, beauty, pain, hope. When I came across this poem by David Whyte in the 90’s, I was rushed with a sense of relief and love, “Finally! Someone gets it!” I felt he spoke to my longing for connection, and tapped a vein […]