TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

September 22, 2020

When things get hard…

It’s been a HARD freakin day. Tears and fears and WTF galore. More than one piece of bad news that affects our plans and future here. (i’ll make a video about it so you guys know the details we are up against, just not today. I’m too raw.) But I’m not giving up, and I am remembering the words of my teacher who instructed me to make a gratitude list while feeling down. It works. So HERES A SHOUT OUT to all the folks who are even making this journey a possibility. Without them I wouldn’t have the luxury of […]
September 22, 2020

Memory of Wings

I came upon herlate in the dayat the edge of the path,alone. The armless maidenThe wingless angelwhatever one would call herthere she wasstranded. Kneeling at the gravesideeyes turned toward heavenbeseechingor accusingno way to tell. Hands and armscrumbled to dustand I am remindedof the fairy-tale girlbetrayed by her fathergiven away like chattel. The daughtersacrifices her hands,surrenders them to bloody stumps,rather than be boughtand tradedlike so muchlumber. But this one–this forgotten girlat the edge of the pathhas lost more than hands.Rising from her backrusty bones that once heldwings. The twisted ironhovers behind heras if it remembersflight. The crumbling remnantsreach toward heavenbeseechingor accusingno […]
September 21, 2020

The Train Station –

FINDING WONDERLAND – Part 13. It’s a TRAIN STATION! Oh my god you guys, this one hurts! We were due to view this one today and it got an offer over the weekend. So sad. But I couldn’t resist showing you. Turn of the century authentic train station (see black and white photo of original use) repurposed for a home and guest quarters. Includes four bedroom house, plus the separate “ticket office” which holds two bedrooms, a kitchen and its own living room. And then a caboose for a studio. ARGH! So adorbs.   One question: would you live here?
September 20, 2020

Stand By Me

I DID IT! I DID IT! I did something I’ve never done before! I’M SINGING online! Blame it on Ruth Bader Ginsberg, I just needed to fill the void left behind with song. The kids playing outside my window, the cry of the seagulls, the beachgoers having fun…all joined into the soundtrack. If you stay allllll the way to the end, YOU GET A PRIZE. I love you guys. I stand with her. I stand with you.