TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

September 25, 2020

A Gothic Beauty –

FINDING WONDERLAND- This one!!! This gothic beauty has the potential to be a living dwelling in the back two rooms of the chapel and our event space as well. I am swooning for it big time. However, as we wait for a building survey of its extensive damage, we realize that is likely too far gone for a reasonable amount of money to save. A wealthy investor could do this place up right! Along with its price tag, it will likely take close to a million to bring it out of its derelict state. And then more funds to refurbish […]
September 23, 2020

Hush now….

Hush now.The wounds run deep,but the beesare full of knowing.They know the hiveof your heart,each crooked curled chambereach hopeful hidden curve,each darkened holding cell.They have comewith wingsand songand pollen.They have come toharvest each mistakeeach broken vesselto touch the jagged edgesof betrayaland lost chances,to collect your failuresone by one,making honeyfrom the bittermaking music in the voidmaking wingswhere there were wounds. Hush now. Sleep well.The night is alivewith forgivenessand your heartis a hivemade for honeymade for love.~ Angi Sullins