TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

September 27, 2020

Singing Into the Void!

 What to do with all the overwhelm and agony? Fill it with song, of course. After singing for the FIRST TIME EVER online last week to honor the passing of RBG, I’ve decided that the only way to continue the resistance is to sing. No matter what. I’ve been doing it every day since she passed and it’s kept my nostrils above water. If you’re struggling, I urge you to tune in, turn UP and sing along.   I’m considering a new show: SUNDAY IS FOR SINNERS…a little song, a little sermon and a whole lotta shenanigans each Sunday. If […]
September 26, 2020

There is No Shame….

There is no shame here.The rubble in your lifeis an earthquake of soulshaking you awakecrumbling all that’s inessentialto your most authentic self. And you?You are too bigfor words like shamefor words like blame. You?You are wild volcanic soulmelting everythingthat does not belong. Burn, woman, burn. Move through the worldin ever-widening steps.Own your transformationin the arc of your shouldersin the expanse of your heart.Dance like your hipsmove mountainscasting off everythingthat does not belong. There is no shame here. Your ancestors knewthat nature is beautifuland terrifyingthat rainbowsare courted by stormsthat day sharesthe sky with nightthat decay caressesbeauty’s cheek. That rubble? That trouble?It […]