Resurrection Day
April 20, 2014Two Windows, One Choice
August 12, 2014A juicy little project has taken up residence in my writerly fingertips. It’s a collection of wee fairy tales. I can’t seem to force these guys out, but when they show up, it’s always a delight. I feel less like I’m creating them and more like I’m discovering them. Like little lost friends, newly found.
I’ll be posting more from time to time, but if you want to keep up with the collection in its thus-far entirety, visit and “like” the official Forgotten Fables page on Facebook, here.
The Pink Ukelele and the Firework was the first story to appear in my head, just before waking in the silver grey dawn of a dream. I hope you love it as much as I do!
The Pink Ukelele and the Firework
A long long time ago, but just a fairy’s breath away from yesterday, a ukelele and a firework fell in love. It was a bright affair, and shimmering. The ukelele lived under the third mast of a wooden ship, the moon and wind his only companions. And when the firework kissed him, dazzling down the summer night sky to lay her brazen lips upon his cheek, he turned bright pink, and remained so ever after. He carried the flame of her kiss in his strings the remainder of his days. It is said that when the pink ukelele is played, hearts burst into sparklers, and veins flame incandescent, sighing with the heat falling stars.
I heard that pink ukelele once. And now tiny dancing lights follow me everywhere.
1 Comment
I love your writting.Where can I buy your work. Especially the fables