Finding Wonderland

To establish an immersive art library, artist retreat, and museum that honors myth, fairy tale and folklore. This place is called Wonderland.

Purpose: To preserve and celebrate wonder in children of all ages through the use of fairy tale and folklore. We encourage original contributions through writing, sculpting, painting, music and other forms of artistic expression.

History: In the summer of 2020, Angi, her husband Silas and their brother Lee journeyed to the UK seeking residency. Because of Silas’s status as a member of European Union, he qualified to apply for residency status prior to the Brexit deadline in December 2020. Though no one wanted to travel amidst Covid, all ventured forth in hopes of securing a magical property to house the Wonderland collection in the land that gave us Camelot, the 100 Acre Wood and Hogwarts.

This blog begins with the first day of that journey and continues all around the UK, following our adventures as the FINDING WONDERLAND path unfolds.

  • 1997

    While Angi lies paralyzed from the neck down in a hospital, Wendy Froud gifts her a healing faerie, which also gives her hope. Angi decides the best way to share this hope is to create a place where people can meet these kinds of creatures and have magical interactions of their own. It will be a place called Wonderland.
  • 1999

    Angi opens Duirwaigh Gallery, the first gallery to exclusively exhibit myth and fairy tale artwork to an international audience online. Sales from the gallery are used to raise funds for Wonderland.
  • 2003

    Duirwaigh Publishing opens, publishing mythic prints and greeting cards.
  • 2004

    Angi creates “A Knock at the Door”, featuring the artists of Duirwaigh Gallery. The film is seen by millions of viewers —passed from email to email—before the era of YouTube.
  • 2006

    “A Knock at the Door” sells out its first book printing. Angi and Silas move to Taos, New Mexico to create the first version of Wonderland.
  • 2009

    Wonderland opens as a part of Angi and Silas’s home.
  • 2010

    Angi writes and publishes “Doorways and Dreamfields: A True Fairy Tale” which charts the evolution of Duirwaigh Gallery and its mission to create a non profit museum and artist retreat.
  • 2011

    Wonderland hosts its first workshops and retreats in Taos, New Mexico.
  • 2014

    Angi launches Muse Juice Tours which takes wonder seekers around the globe to find myth and magic.
  • 2020

    Trip to England to look for Wonderland’s permanent home. FINDING WONDERLAND, the journey of establishing a place for fairy tale— begins! The latest articles and videos appear on this page below. To watch from the beginning, you’ll have to go all the way back to page one.
October 8, 2020

Bronte Parsonage Tour

View the garden, get a glimpse inside the house and then take a walk down the lane to see the school they built and the church where papa was the parson and all girls but Anne are buried.   Then I’ll take you further down the lane so you can see how charming the village is. We’ll go INSIDE THE CABINET OF CURIOSITIES and down the cobblestones in the rain.   Just think: this time next year we could be here together on a Muse Juice tour. Let’s dream it’s so!
October 7, 2020

What To Do When Defeated –

SHIT SHOW UPDATE #2 – Finding Wonderland the WTF edition. Since finding out that we cannot qualify for a loan even with perfect credit, no debt, a hefty deposit and 12 years of payment history, many of you have asked what’s our next step. Do we go home? Try another EU country? Rent? Give up the dream? Here’s my answer.
October 6, 2020

Enchanted Cottage –

FINDING WONDERLAND!! Dragons, rabbits and thatch oh my!! Today we meet my dream house…hand made for DUIRWAIGH, with all the imagery that inspired me to start the worlds first mythopoetic and fairy tale gallery 23 years ago. It’s in the middle of nowhere on the coast of England. Nothing about it is convenient but everything about it is magical. A bit like myself, eh?   A riot of nonsense in an all too mundane world. I adore it. And the best bit? It’s got room for YOU!   Wanna come play?