TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

March 1, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 4

  Asking & Offering I try to live by these words that were once given to me by author and mentor Christina Baldwin: “Ask for what you need. Offer what you can.” I admit I’m better with offering than with asking. But I don’t think I’m alone in that. Asking for what we need (or want) is tricky business in a culture that eschews vulnerability. Asking can make me feel squeamish, nervous or downright afraid. At its worse, it can feel shameful. Yet how can we expect to thrive – which, in and of itself implies the need for interconnectivity […]
February 28, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 3

  Loving Wide Open I am convinced that love is the only thing we get to take with us when we cross over. That light everyone speaks of? I’m convinced it’s LOVE, welcoming us into the fullness of what we are, what we’ve always been. And this earth? This body? This temporal experience of humanity? It’s our soul’s attempt to play, to create, to take up our space in the image of the Great Creator, creating at will. Sometimes we create things unconsciously and say “How could I possibly have created THIS?” (Or, in the words of one of my […]
February 27, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 2

  The Questions I had a post all ready that was deep and thoughtful and heart-pulling, and then I thought HOLY COW! Today is Friday! It’s the day of the week people are most harried. They’re tying up their work week, making plans for the weekend, getting home, thinking forward, looking back. It takes a great deal of shifting energy. So to be gentle with all of us, I’m going to keep it short and sweet today. The topic is simple and can be answered lightly, or you can dwell with it some time and go deep. Up to you.Yesterday […]
February 26, 2015

On Showing Up – A Muse Juice Tribal Experiment

As I explore the meaning of tribe, and what we each seek to gain from the experience of tribal connection, something occurs to me. While we all ache to be in the presence (physically) of a group we find both stimulating and meaningful, I am sensing the bigger issue here is the desire to be fully seen and embraced (or re-membered, as I like to call it.) Physical gatherings, when they occur with intention and purpose, provide a direct experience of kindling, because people show up. THEY SHOW UP. To the event, to the gathering, to the soul fire found […]