TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

March 7, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 11

            Snapshots Once upon a time there was a dog named Izzy. Once upon a time she was diagnosed with an enlarged heart, which would eventually kill her. Once upon a time I had to live with the shadow of death, every day, all day, and decide how to REALLY live, befriending the shadow but choosing the light. This is a snapshot from that story. _____________________________ “All of life is saying goodbye.” I’m musing on that quote, and Izzy’s nebulous prognosis, as we climb into the car. We’re headed to the park for our ritual […]
March 6, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 10

  The Lottery When Silas and I need a pick-me-up, when it seems to be raining crap and we’re feeling particularly uninspired or disappointed or gloomy, we play a little game. It’s called Who Won the Lottery. After we’ve slogged through how upsetting something is, or how terribly hurt we are, of how many things just aren’t going well at all, one of us will turn to the other and say “Who won the lottery?” That’s the cue. The other person’s eyes will go all soft focus and start talking about love, in one way or another. “The day I […]
March 5, 2015

Too Good and True GIVEAWAY Book Club

If you haven’t signed up yet, don’t miss it! The 30 Day TRIBE experiment is exploding with ideas and inspirations! The first to be put to use? A book (and gift) club centered around the pay-it-forward movement. Check out the club here. What’s exciting about this venture is the handmade touches inside each book. From a note to a wish to a doodle to a full on work of art, each package will have a little something extra, so that you, as the recipient, can experience a little bit of Christmas magic all year round. Here’s a photo of some […]
March 5, 2015

The Tribe Experiment Day 9

The Conversion of Conversation Hi. My name’s Angi. I’m your friendly neighborhood muse and shameless tribal ring leader. I just wanted to check in with you, those who have been with me for the past 9 days and those who may be new. Let’s pretend we’re all in my living room. Sit on the red velvet couch. Prop your feet up on the Emu. Have some chai or limoncello or fireball whiskey. We’re gonna play some Bohemian Rhapsody. And let’s talk. This TRIBE EXPERIMENT? It started because I was curious about connection: how we share it over social media, what […]