TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

July 2, 2015

It’s TAROT Thursday!

Alright, you guys know how this goes. And I am indeed going to ask something from you this week. We’ve got a LONG way to go to get Robin even the tiniest bit of resemblance to the life she once had. While she got GREAT news about her legs today, she received some devastating news that government financial aid will not cover all the costs with her hands, nor her assistance dog. So these are some of the bigger next steps, and our most daunting challenges. And you? So many of you have given already. So I’m not asking you […]
June 16, 2015

The Tribe Gathering – Day 38

Dear Love Pies, So I’m working on a couple of bigger posts, and they’re not ready yet. I glance at my desktop and spy this quote. And it makes me curious, what are you doing with the gift of this day? How are you shining? Burning? Some will say “Well what about the rainy days?” And to them I say, the rain and clouds and storm are only on the surface level. Humans in airplanes can now know what the birds have known for ages: the sun burns bright beyond the storm. So, too, your soul. The surface of your […]
June 16, 2015

The Tribe Gathering – Day 35

So Dave, also known as “Mr Cupcake” – and who couldn’t love a man who is named Mr. Cupcake? – challenged me to name what the first 30 days of the tribe did for me. Actually, he challenged ALL of us to put into words what our experience has been thus far, in a practical, tangible way. So, Mr. Cupcake, here you go. I’m going to call this story START WHERE YOU ARE. I noticed one day that some of my own muses, the women who stir my soul, whose messages are my own in so many ways, have one thing […]