TribeWritingBook ClubGiveawayTravelMisc

October 4, 2020

One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show

SUNDAY IS FOR SINNERS – This one is for the ladies!! One monkey don’t stop your show. Remember this, next time you’re tempted to trade your self-worth for anyone or anything! The woman you are becoming will cost you relationships, comfort, people, spaces and material things. Choose HER over everything. (Of course you can share this video with all your girls!)
October 2, 2020

On the Move –

We’re on the move south today. Investigating a few homes and event spaces in England. First stop is Haworth, home to the Bronte sisters. We’ll be looking around the cliffs that inspired Wuthering Heights and then move onto Oxford and the Cotswolds. Covid is on the rise in this area so we will be out and about very little, but will report on the wonders found!