Your life is the art you’re creating for the world to see.
I’m here to help you make it a masterpiece.
And speaking of art, this is my defining image.
This painting by Michael Parkes is a depiction of me falling in love with you falling in love with yourself.
I hold the mirror to show you your true colors. In our time together, we won’t so much acquire or attain your radiant self, as we will uncover what is already there.
Cuz that’s just it. You’re magnificent. And so much more than you know.
My goal Is to have you see it. To gaze deep into the mirror’s depths with a clear, bright heart sighing, “I like you. You glory-fingered, winged-wonder, emerald-city-jewel-sparkiling-lightning-fire-ring-dancer… I really, really like you.”
And mean it with your whole life.

You are allowed to be both a Masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.
If you’re interested in life becoming your masterpiece, I encourage you to apply for my one-on-one coaching experience. Because it is an intense program with a success-story track record, I only offer it to a handful of radically committed seekers each year.
You must be serious. You must be ready. You must be seriously ready. And you must apply.
If you are seeking revolutionary creativity, radiant confidence, life purpose, bad ass business skill, financial prosperity, grief-relief, love, bravery, radical self care, luminous health, or thriving relationships, I’ve got you, and you’ve got this.
Let’s talk.
Spaces for my 2025 roster have been filled.
If you'd like to be considered for 2026, please apply.
We will be a good fit if you are...
- Tired of standing in your own way
- Willing to be held accountable for becoming the brilliant Life Artist you were born to be
- Ready to discard your limiting beliefs
- Excited by synergy
- Undaunted by the prospect of facing your fears
- Committed to turning “someday” into “today"
- Ready to turn hope into confidence and possbility into reality
- Prepared to receive a confidant and champion
- Able to accept and rise to a challenge
- Excited about your greatness
- Eager to create lasting change
- Committed to being brave
- Prepared to release habits that hold you back
- Ready to achieve and sustain measurable results.
- Willing to exceed your own expectations
- and, above all, willing to do the work so that this experience pays off for you 100 fold
We will not be a fit if you are…
- Willing to settle for less instead of more
- Unwilling to release self sabotaging habits
- Ok to live with “What If syndrome…”
- Uncommitted to your own greatness
- Reluctant to be truly seen
- Addicted to poverty thinking
- Comfortable with mediocrity
- Resistant to showing up
- Unable to access your bravery
The types of clients I choose to work with include:
Click on the + sign to read more.
"Can you remember who you were,
before the world told you
who you should be?"
Do you feel like you’re meant to do something meaningful with your life but you don’t know what it is?
Do you feel like something’s missing?
Do you feel like there must be more to life than this?
Are you willing to work hard, but would rather work smart and play smarter?
Do you ache to care for your own self the way you care for others?
Do you wonder if you’ll ever do that thing you’ve always wanted to do?
Do you want to discover your purpose and live it passionately?
Do you fear you’ll die with the song still inside you?
If you answered "yes" to two or more of the above questions, you're involved in the business of BECOMING, and we’re all doing it, all the time.
"Often, it is not
about becoming a new person,
but becoming the person
you were meant to be, and already are,
but don't know how to be."
Heath L. Buckmaster
Only sometimes becoming turns into our full time job. Sometimes, it becomes an obsession. Sometimes, as Anais Nin said, "the risk to remain tight in the bud is more painful than the risk it takes to blossom."
This is perfectly natural. For millennia, communities had their own ways of managing self-discovery. There were rituals and initiations, deep inquiry and vision quests. There were fasts and ceremonies, elders to help guide the younger generation and trusted leaders whose wisdom supported both individual and tribe.
Our modern society affords us much luxury and convenience, but we’ve lost some of the support that really matters. I’m here to be that support, to see in you what you cannot yet see, and to hold that vision until you become it. And you WILL become it.
There is a greatness in you. A uniqueness that only you can offer to the world. It’s your essence, and it’s how you will experience true abundance, both within yourself and out in the world.
And the thing is, nobody is going to come along and wave a magic wand in order for you to become your dazzling self. Not even me. Only you have the power. It’s hard work, but it is the true work of your life, and the most rewarding thing you’ll ever do. I am your companion and guide in this process of great unfolding, and I won’t let you settle for anything less than your most radiant, fully blossomed self.
You got this. And I got you.
"Dare to love yourself
as if you were a rainbow with gold
at both ends."
"Sometimes when things are
falling apart they may actually
be falling in place"
St. John of the Cross called this time in your life the Dark Night of the Soul.
Things go dark. They break up. Break down. And before you know it, your deep inside a cocoon you don't remember making. The life you knew before no longer fits, but the wings of the new life you're growing aren't ready yet.
You're in the deep, dark mush of transformation. It's painful and scary, but it's also metamorphosis.
Every sexy soul I know has been through this process. More than once. If you're in it right now you have my compassion, but not my sympathy.
This is the best thing that could happen to you. Metamorphosis is how you get your wings.
"You will stumble
you will fail
you will burn
but you will fly like a phoenix
and your wings are made
from every hand that has lifted you
from the flames
and each hand you offer to those
still trapped below.
Angi Sullins
People are going to tell you to get a new man. Get a new job. Get a new bod. (Join a gym. Start a juice fast. Try some bow tox.) Change your hairstyle, your wardrobe, your attitude.
But that's now what I'll tell you. Because all of those actions won't get you out of the dark night chrysalis you're encased in, and I know, because I've lived it:
The way in is the only way out.
You're growing wings and by God, they're going to be stunning, and they're going to give your life flight.
But first, mush.
First, hell.
First, the ugly unbecoming of your metamorphosis.
"Someone I loved once
gave me a box full of darkness.
It took me years to
understand this too,
was a gift."
Mary Oliver
It's ok. Like life and death are natural, so is transformation. And like life and death, it is sacred business. And messy. You need a guide who can champion your journey through the dark, and hold the image of your wings.
I started my path when I was 28. When my friends were establishing careers and starting families, I was paralyzed from the neck down in an surgery-gone- wrong
At age 30 I was raped on a blind date
At 35 I lost my business child and my fortune
At 41 I lost the love of my life
I don't have to tell you that you can trust me. But you can trust me. I'm a
breakdown/breakthrough specialist and wings are my business.
Nothing you share can cause me to doubt or judge you. You're safe with me and the chrysalis is familiar ground to me.
I cannot save you from pain, but I can alleviate the suffering. I can companion your sacred solitude and champion your journey through the dark night. You will emerge stronger, and lighter and truer than before.
I am certain of it.
"Growth is painful.
But nothing is as painful as staying stuck
somewhere you don't belong."
You know who you are and are confident and passionate. You've had some success, perhaps a great deal of it. But there's some itch on your soul you must scratch: it's a new dream project, bigger or more challenging than you've tackled before. You sense you can do it, but you need a trusted source to help actualize it and see it birthed into the world.
A new direction with your art. A new business. The redesign of an old business. A charity venture. A community outreach. A world mission.
Or that novel you've always wanted to write.
"Devote today to something
so daring even you can't believe
you are doing it."
Oprah Winfrey
Whatever the dream, you know that synergy is key to getting it birthed into reality. You ache to partner up with a trusted source with whom you can brainstorm, strategize, share ideas, test new waters, and take creative action. You ache for a trusted opinion, a second perspective, and someone to have your back while you brave new territory.
Creating success is vitally important to you, and you know in order to do that you need to work with someone who can see clear and talk true. Not a cheerleader who will only tell you what you want to hear, but a champion of your dream, guiding you through tough choices and tougher truths.
"What you seek
is seeking you."
Sure, you could do it on your own. But you don't want to spend that kind of time and energy out there striving when you could see results faster, with greater ease, and have more time to enjoy the reality of your dream.
I love new projects. I adore creativity and the challenges of dream midwifery. To see you swell with possibility and help you birth it into probability? Well, that's just plain delicious.
Tell me about your dream.
"Set your life on fire.
Seek those who
fan the flames."
You're in a position of leadership. Your work requires that people turn to you for guidance, healing or inspiration. And every muse needs to refill her well of inspiration.
You need to be able to turn to someone you can trust, someone familiar with the demands of leadership. You ache to be able to express yourself, even at your crappiest, lowest, most burnt-out moments, and know that you won't be judged or criticized.
Staying inspired and juicy is key to remaining effective in your work, and in your play. In fact, playing for the sake of your own enjoyment, creating a space just for your innocence, and indulging your curiosity and uncertainty in a trusted environment keeps you aligned with your highest calling, and allows your genius to shine, empowering others more effortlessly.
Being in a position of authority can get lonely. Being in a position of authority while also bringing forth the best in others through inspiration and healing can be downright depleting. It's difficult at times to find your own muse, because your bar is set (and justifiably so) quite high. It's rarified air up there.
But sharing with a creative equal brings solace, healing and stimulation. Your enthusiasm reawakens. Managing your vitality becomes less effort and more pleasure. And your personal and professional world comes alive when you experience pleasure....the pleasure of play, of well being, of inspiration, of synergy.
"I have come to drag
you out of yourself, and take you in my heart.
I have come to bring out
the beauty you never knew
you had and lift you like
a prayer to the sky."
Caring about other people is what makes you such an effective leader. Caring about their inspiration and healing makes you an awesome muse. The world needs you at your best.
Tell me about your leadership journey, and let's muse.