You can feel it deep in your bones, the whisper that urges “There’s something more.” It’s not money or power or talent or beauty or health. You can have it all, and still not escape that niggling, persistent message.
That’s cuz your soul knows you’re destined to thrive, and it will not give up on you, ever.

And your soul is your ticket to thrival.

You don’t need relationship advice or an astrological adjustment.
You don’t need schooling or fiscal counseling or years of therapy or a fresh start or a new lover.
You need you. Deep, bottomless, magnificent soul-crafted you. And I’m here to help you get it.

Choose to thrive.

Angi TV

Finding Wonderland

PLURK (Play + Work = Plurk) WITH ME


You want to grow. You want to blossom. You know there is more to this life than you have been taught. There is a certain something more. You know it, because you can feel its absence. But reading books has only gotten you so far, and traveling to a soul university, if you could find one, sounds expensive. So I created plurkshops that delve into the deep inner landscapes of soul and are available to you online, any time.


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You don’t want another tour bus taking you from famous site to famous site. You don't want crowds or tight schedules. When you travel, you want a deep experience. You ache for magic. You crave an adventure that leaves you breathless with wonder, tasting an enchantment you remember from childhood. And secretly you hope to take a REAL JOURNEY, both outward and inward, where you discover new landscapes within yourself with a trusted guide in the company of kindred spirits.

These are the things I need when I travel, which is why I created Muse Juice Tours. Oh, and surprises. I love surprises. So I always aim to inspire and delight you with surprises you couldn’t begin to imagine.



The world needs your joy, and the unique contribution that springs from it. We don’t need another Oprah or a Dalai Lama or a Lady Gaga. We need you: the unfiltered, raw juice of your most authentic, empowered, successful self. We need you to swill your freedom, so that we can taste our own. In a word, we need you to THRIVE.

I work one on one with a handful of life artists (you are one, trust me) each year, to create thriving lives. Also, thriving businesses, books, projects, health and relationships. Need inspiration? And the freakin’ spine to stay accountable to it? I got you.

Angi's Sort-of Official Bio:

Known as “The Muse” by her fans, Angi ignites inspiration wherever she goes. Playful, poetic, bright, deeply expressive and armed with a standup comic’s sense of humor, Angi is an engaging writer and an electric speaker, creating a one-woman performance like no other. Described by one reviewer as a curious mix of Dr. King and Dr. Seuss, Angi delivers deeply soul-stirring messages with humorous, whimsical wit. Audiences leave her performances enchanted, dipped in remembered magic, ready to create new and visionary works on the canvas of their lives.

Before the era of youtube, Angi created the short inspirational film “A Knock at the Door” that went viral, garnering over four million fans. She is the author of “Doorways and Dreamfields: A True Fairy Tale”, “A Knock at the Door,” “Digital Art Wonderland,” and highlights from her popular Message from the Muse blog were collected into her first audio book “Flaming Muse: Matchstick Tales that Ignite the Soul.”

As the founder and president of Duirwaigh Studios, a transmedia design studio creating products and services that inspire soulful imagination, she has helped artists and aspiring creatives find their unique voice, while molding a space in today’s market for creative consciousness. Her words and original works of art with partner Silas Toball can be found on hundreds of greeting cards, calendars, journals and collectibles worldwide.

Angi lives in the Land of Enchantment. Literally. "Land of Enchantment" is on all the license plates in Taos, New Mexico where she lives with her husband Silas and their menagerie of wonder. That pretty much says it all. Mostly.