Finding Wonderland
September 21, 2020
FINDING WONDERLAND – Part 13. It’s a TRAIN STATION! Oh my god you guys, this one hurts! We were due to view this one today and it got an offer over the weekend. So sad. But I couldn’t resist showing you. Turn of the century authentic train station (see black and white photo of original use) repurposed for a home and guest quarters. Includes four bedroom house, plus the separate “ticket office” which holds two bedrooms, a kitchen and its own living room. And then a caboose for a studio. ARGH! So adorbs. One question: would you live here?
September 20, 2020
Even when things don’t line up, when life goes askew, and events wander off center, there’s still magic and fun available to you. My crooked eyes taught me that.
September 19, 2020
FINDING WONDERLAND- The Beehive! This one’s a bit north, towards the highlands, which is a bit further from Edinburgh than we’d like to go, but we couldn’t resist! The arches! The ivy! The sweet honey energy for a creative hive! Thumbs up or thumbs down?