
Finding Wonderland

October 7, 2020

What To Do When Defeated –

SHIT SHOW UPDATE #2 – Finding Wonderland the WTF edition. Since finding out that we cannot qualify for a loan even with perfect credit, no debt, a hefty deposit and 12 years of payment history, many of you have asked what’s our next step. Do we go home? Try another EU country? Rent? Give up the dream? Here’s my answer.
October 6, 2020

Enchanted Cottage –

FINDING WONDERLAND!! Dragons, rabbits and thatch oh my!! Today we meet my dream house…hand made for DUIRWAIGH, with all the imagery that inspired me to start the worlds first mythopoetic and fairy tale gallery 23 years ago. It’s in the middle of nowhere on the coast of England. Nothing about it is convenient but everything about it is magical. A bit like myself, eh?   A riot of nonsense in an all too mundane world. I adore it. And the best bit? It’s got room for YOU!   Wanna come play?
